Frequently asked questions

Mint Investing is a SEBI registered Research Analyst entity having its SEBI Registration Number INH000010177. It is a proprietorship firm of Mr. Naresh Bangeja, mainly focuses on TechnoFunda (Technical + Fundamental) analysis of Indian stocks listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Mint Investing offers research services of Indian equities listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Buy/Sell/Hold recommendations are given to its subscribed members.

Recommendations shall be provided on TechnoFunda basis, wherein major research study shall be biased towards technical parameters to identify the specific entry and exit levels.

All the recommendations shall be provided for Cash segment, even though the stock is in Futures and Options segment.

Recommendations will be provided during live market hours.

Recommendations shall be provided via Mint Investing’s Mobile Application (Mobile App) available on Android (Google Play Store) and iOS (Apple App Store) devices.

A recommendation shall include the Buy Price, Stop Loss levels, and an analysis of the suggested script.

Strictly No. All the given recommendations should be confidential, subscription shall be immediately terminated and strict actions could be taken if found the recommendation has been shared by a subscribed member with his/her friends/relatives or with any other individual or entity.

We do not focus on quantity of recommendations, sometimes recommendations could be as low as none in a month sometimes recommendations could be 10 or 20 or 30 in a month, depends upon market sentiments and stocks setups which offer great risk reward ratio.

  •       Download the Mint Investing App from Play or App Store
  •       Create Profile with eKYC
  •       Add Payment Method
  • Yes, we offer a 30 Days Trial. You can download our Mint Investing App to avail the trial. Please note that an individual can take a trial only once.

  • After your 30-day trial, Subscription Fee of INR 33,000/- (Inc. GST) shall be deducted on 31st Day and your “Mint Pro” subscription shall be started for 90 days.

We can be reached by Phone, Email & WhatsApp . Our contact details are available on our Contact Us page

If you have any questions related to stocks, feel free to reach out to our Research team. You can find their contact details on the Contact Us page of the Mint Investing app or website. Our Research team will respond to your message or get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Members can reach us via email support@mintinvesting.in and also through phone number +91 8976523289 or click here to chat

Apologies. Refund not possible

Monthly subscription won’t give effective & real results as compared to minimum quarterly performance.

We welcome your queries and doubts. You can visit our office by appointment to discuss them with us.

We accept payments via Credit/Debit Cards, Wallets, Net Banking, UPI, and Bank Transfer. Bank Transfer details are as follows:

 Account Name: Mint Investing,

Account Number:50200073365503,

IFSC Code: HDFC0001102,

Account Type: Current Account,

Bank Name: HDFC Bank

 Branch: Kharghar (Sector -7) Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India .


Note: Services will be activated once the payment is credited to our account.

Yes, the prices listed on the website are inclusive of all the taxes.

– Subscription Fee: INR 27,966/-

– GST (18%): INR 5,034/-

– Total Amount Charged to Customer: INR 33,000/- (INR 27,966/- + INR 5,034/-)

No, we do not accept partial payments.

Completing KYC is mandatory under SEBI regulations to verify your identity as an investor. Mint Investing offers a seamless and hassle-free eKYC feature within the app to help you complete the process quickly and securely.

Government-approved IDs (Aadhaar and PAN) are required.

eKYC verification typically takes a few minutes. In rare cases, it may take up to 24 hours.

Absolutely! For eKYC we have partnered with a trusted service provider who are data security compliant, to ensure your data is stored and processed securely.

Double-check the details and documents you’ve submitted. If issues persist, contact our support team for assistance. You can message us your query on this Whatsapp (MintBuddy) or Mail us at support@mintinvesting.in

For any further queries, please do feel free to write to us at Support@mintinvesting.in